Monday, June 29, 2015


Hello everybody!

Another week down here has passed by! time is flying!

This week was a super good, productive week! Our mission president gave the whole mission a project to start working on called "Nosso Resgate" Which means "our rescue" super sweet! What he wants to do is try to help rescue all of the members of our church whom have fallen and need help. He talked about a talk by Henry B. Eyering and he tells a story of two American soldiers who were fighting in Somalia and risked their lives to save two other soldiers who had crashed their helicopter. The situation was super dangerous because they ha to be dropped off in the middle of the battlefield to rescue their fellow comrades whom had fallen. They asked permission to be inserted into the battlefield to help rescue them but were denied permission two times.  It wasn't until the third time they asked that they were permitted to be dropped off. They fought there way through gunfire and rugged terrain until they reached there comrades and rescued the life of one of their soldiers and returned back to base in safety.

The talk continues to talk about how it is the same thing with us as members of the church and missionaries. We need to always seek to help our fellow comrades who are down and in need of help. Whatever the cost. Our president testified of this and invited the whole mission to participate. So this will be Elder Cabral and Is new goal. We aren't having much success with finding people to teach, so we will help those whom are wounded and in need of help! We got a list of all the members in this area and visited all of them this week to invite them to our ward conference. It was awesome, it felt super good to visit everyone and we even found new péople to teach while doing so. It was awesome! I am so grateful to be able to participate in this awesome work. I know that i have a purpose here in Granja Viana, Cotia. It has been tough to not have much success, but I am so grateful for the members I have had the opportunity to visit and meet. And for this opportunity to start "NOSSO RESGATE" and am confident that there are people in this area that are in need of the gospel, or just a simple invite to come back to church! I love my mission so much, and I'm learning a ton!!! I love this gospel, my savior, and all of you guys soo much! Thanks for everything and have an AWESOME week!!!

Elder Barton
                                        1. Elder Cabral and Elder Soares on the onibus, love these guys
                                       2.Lunch with Maria do Carmo!!! solid strogunofffffffffffff
                                        3. Super sick park we went to today!! Those little dirt mounds 
                                          all over the place are burrows from some animal,
                                          not sure which but super sweet!


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